
 Short description of project activity

  • The project “Strengthening national capacity in the field of implementation and ratification of Conventions on Chemicals and waste in Tajikistan” was implemented in Tajikistan for the period January 2021 – June 2022. Technical support for the project was provided by UNEP, the International Secretariat of three Conventions (Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm). The project coordinator was the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. Project partners: Public Environmental Organization of Tajikistan “Foundation for Support of Civil Initiatives” (FSCI, Dastgiri Center), Public Organization of Germany “HEJ SUPPORT”. Here
  • Development of Technical Regulations for Lead-containing paints in Tajikistan
    Project activities:The environmental organization of Tajikistan “Foundation to support oivil initiatives” (FSCI, Dastgiri Center) has started to develop Technical Regulations (TR) for paint and varnish products of Tajikistan, including oil paints containing a dangerous pollutant-lead. The project is implemented with the technical support of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Network for the elimination of chemical pollutants (IPEN). The leading partner of the project for the development of Technical Regulations is – the Agency for standardization, metrology, certification and trade inspection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. The project implementation period is August 2020-January 2021. Press release of the project. Here 
  • The project “Development of the National Strategy of the UNDP-GEF SMALL GRANTS PROGRAM” for the 7-th OPERATIONAL GEF PERIOD (2020-2025.)
    It is aimed to support innovative, inclusive and scalable initiatives presented by civil society organizations of Tajikistan, promoting multilateral partnerships at the local level to address global environmental problems in priority landscape areas of the country.
    Project activities:
    – Multi-stakeholder consultations on the strategy of the SGP country programme;
    – Assessment of the results and achievements of the SGP country programme to date, identification of SGP priorities within the 7th GEF operational period (OP7);
    – Development of Tajikistan's capacity in relation to OP7 and its strategic initiatives;
    – Development of a baseline of landscape areas within which grants will be directed in accordance with the priority thematic areas of the proposed projects and indicators of selected strategic initiatives of SGP;
    – Development of the National Strategy of the UNDP-GEF small grants program for 2020-2025
    Supporting organization: UNOPS ECR
    Duration of the project: October 30, 2019 – January 30, 2020.Here
  • Project Title: Supporting SAICM and GHS Implementation in the Republic of Tajikistan
    Outline of the project: The project “Supporting SAICM and GHS Implementation in the Republic of Tajikistan ” aims at analysing the status of chemical hazard classification and communication and initiating GHS implementation at the national level. The overall objective of the project is to enable the Republic of Tajikistan to work towards coordinated implementation of the GHS, involving all relevant stakeholders, and thus contribute to the implementation of SAICM, and the protection of human health and the environment from dangerous chemicals.
    Project activities:
    – Preparation of a Draft National GHS Implementation Strategy (including preparation of Situation/Gap Analysis)
    – Provision of Training on the GHS
    – Supporting Activities, including Awareness-raising and Training
    – Organization of a National GHS Workshop
    – Regional and International Outreach and Communication
    Supporting organization: UNEP/UNITAR
    Duration of the project: 01 July 2013 – 30 June 2015. Here
  • Project: Reduction of the risk of natural disasters through rehabilitation of the degraded lands in pilot areas of Chorbogh, Luchob, Dehmalik jamoats of Varzob district, Tajikistan
    The goal of the project: Demonstration and replication of the practices of rehabilitation of degraded lands in Varzob region, conducting the information companies, exhibitions
    Objectives of the project:
    – Demonstration on the pilot territories of Varzob district (Chorbogh, Luchob, Dehmalik jamoats) together with local farmers the simple and affordable land use practices.
    – Organization in the pilot Chorbog Luchob Varzob jamoats exhibition of traditional methods of technology for the sustainable management of land, water, forests, energy efficiency.
    – Conducting in pilot jamoats informational and educational seminars and workshops for the implementation of sustainable practices for water conservation, land management, disaster risk reduction, training workshops for the construction of a solar kitchen, solar dryers, methods of insulation, reducing heat loss and energy farmhouses, films and Slide on the issues raised. Dissemination of information and educational aids, booklets, brochures, posters, films, etc.
    – Conducting in the Hukumat of Varzob District of Tajikistan regional conference on land use, water conservation techniques to reduce risks of land degradation and natural disasters. Organization of the exhibition of traditional and new technologies for efficient use of natural resources, dissemination of information and educational materials.
    Financial support: OSCE, EEA-CASE Tajikistan, Award: 13873, PR # 347663
    Duration of the project: September 2014 – February 2015. HereHere
  • Risk assessment and burial site management for the obsolete pesticides and POPs pesticides centralized burial landfill site in Kanibadam (22-31 October, 2012). The project mission: Training on s ite assessment, risk assessment and burial site management for the obsolete pesticides and POPs pesticides centralized burial landfill site in Kanibadam (22-27 October), final workshop in Dushanbe (29-30 October). Implementing Agencies of ToxCare mission in Tajikistan on 2012 are: International HCH and Pesticides Association (Denmark), University of applied science, Institute for Ecopreneurship (Basel, Switzerland), Witteveen+Bos Consulting Engineers (Netherlands), Tauw bv (Netherlands) in partnership with local organization – Foundation to support civil initiatives (FSCI, Dastgiri-Center), Tajikistan.
  • “Enhancing the environmental policy of Tajikistan in order to reduce mercury pollution and human health”, UNDP, GEF, GEF/SGP, UNEP/GRID Arendal, IPEN, FSCI. Duration of the project: 01 August, 2012. – July 31, 2013. The purpose of the project: risk of exposure to mercury on human health and policy developments in Tajikistan in order to reduce mercury pollution. Specific objective: minimization and recycling of waste containing mercury and mercury-containing devices in Tajikistan. Here
  • Survey on Community benefits sharing arrangements in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, World Bank, Tajikistan, March-August 2012.The project’s main objectives are to identify and develop community benefit-sharing measures to ensure that poor and vulnerable communities along the CASA-1000 transmission line in Tajikistan and Kyrgyz Republic also benefit from this investment.
  • “The Earth Charter as an ethical document Education for Sustainable Development”, UNESCO (Tajikistan), November 2010 – May 2011
    Project goal:
    Raising awareness in the Republic of Tajikistan on principles of the Earth Charter, strengthening the activation of citizens for decision-making on environmental protection and sustainable development.
    Project Objectives:
    – Development of interactive training module “How to take care of the Earth – Your Home”
    – Creation and publication of brochures on Earth Chapter in Tajik and Russian languages; reproduction, distribution, 200 copies
    – Translation from English to Tajik language, publishing a textbook developed by the Secretariat of the Earth Charter “Bringing Sustainability to the Classrooms”, reproduction, distribution, 200 copies.
    – Conducting the conference “The Earth Charter and Sustainable Development in Tajikistan
    – Publication of the brochure “The Earth Charter and Sustainable Development in Tajikistan”
  • “Research potential in teaching water management in Tajikistan”, UNESCO (Central Asia), November 2010 – March 2011The purpose of the project – an analysis of practice teaching of subjects related to water resources management in the universities of Tajikistan to identify problems and opportunities for improvement.A study was conducted three areas of training students: technical, natural sciences and management, made an analysis of state educational standards, considered the qualification requirements for a degree, a list of required courses and their contents, compiled database describing universities of RT departments working in the field of water resources management. The study included an overall review of UNESCO’s potential teaching IWRM in Central Asia region. Review the capacity of education in the field of water resources management in Tajikistan is included in chapter 3 of the overall review of UNESCO.
  • International Tox Care workshop “Safe Management of POPs in the Republic of Tajikistan: PCB and Pesticides» ( Dushanbe, 13-16 October, 2009). Financial support: International Consortium of Environmental Technology ( Switzerland), Institute of Ecopreneurship ( Basel, Switzerland)
  • “Strengthening sustainable development of Varzob district of Tajikistan through the development of environmental management program”, European Union, the program “Non-state actors and local authorities in development», grant № 163-185, duration of the project- February 2009 – April 2010. Project Goal: Reducing the poverty level, raising the quality of Varzob district population life through the development of environmental management program.Project Objectives :- Analysis of the socio – environmental problems of Varzob district, the choice of priorities- Conduct basic expert work – analytical and field studies- Organization of dialogue and partnership among all stakeholders
    – Development of recommendations to address environmental challenges Varzob district
    – Preparation of the program of environment management of Varzob district, publishing a book on the Tajik and Russian languages. The book is available at FSCI site.
    – Development and implementation of pilot projects submitted by local experts
    – Development of investment passport of Varzob district
    – Preparation of environmental map of Varzob district
  • “Strengthening the civil society network on land degradation and poverty issues in the context of strategic development programs and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification”. The project is sponsored by international NGO Both Ends (The Netherlands) through the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia. The duration of the project: October 2008 – September 2009.Project activities:- Collecting information on donor organizations and NGOs working to reduce land degradation in Tajikistan- A description of best practices in Tajikistan to reduce the risk of land desertification- Preparation of information materials for CA Drynet magazine, electronic newsletters
    – Conducting the national workshop on land degradation in Tajikistan
    – Preparation and conduct educational seminar on desertification RT for farmers
  • “LEAP’ School”. Strengthening decision-making on environmental management practices at the local level in the countries of Central Asia. The project is sponsored by the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia, the duration of the project: August 2008 – December 2008.Purpose of the project: preparation, dissemination of information materials, preparation and publication by RECCA of FSCI study “Guideline for the implementation of local action plans for environmental protection in the Republic of Tajikistan”. Guideline is posted on FSCI site.
  • Pilot project “The Earth Charter – a school subject”. Introduction of a new subject in the schooling course in 8 class of the secondary school #1, Dushanbe. The pilot project was implemented at the expenses of FSCI.The purpose of the pilot project: Conducting the agreement with the Education Department and the director of school #1, Dushanbe devoted to the initiative of introducing the school lessons on the Earth Charter; development of the lessons module with school teachers of biology and geography; holding additional interactive school lessons for students of 8 class; as the teachers involving local scientists, experts, practitioners, film screenings, visual aids, informational materials.
  • Project: Demonstrating Local Responses to Combating Land Degradation and Improving Sustainable Land Management in Southwestern Tajikistan (Sponsoring agencies: GEF, UNDP). Title of Contract: Professional services: Conducting of training on Public Awareness and Participatory Planning for Jamoat Land Degradation Unit, Nuri Vakhsh jamoat, Jilikul district, Khatlon area. Duration: 5 months (October 2007-February 2008). Duty Station: Project Area: Nuri Vakhsh jamoat of Jilikul district, Khatlon area
  • Project: Organizing and conducting the ToxCare Project workshop in Central Asia “Hazardous Substances and Goods: Health Care Waste and POP’s Management” (Sponsoring agency: I nstitute of Ecopreneurship, Switzerland). Duration: 3 days: 7- 9 November 2007. Area of activity: Dushanbe city.
  • The illegal trade and use of DDT in Tajikistan”. As a pilot project funded by IPEN, «Eco-Accord” (Russian Federation). Project duration: December 2007-June 2008, Dushanbe, Varzob, Vakhsh districts of RT.Project Objectives:- Conduct data collection, classification and analysis of available information on the import, storage and use of DDT in Tajikistan, analysis of existing legislation and regulations relating to pesticides;- To raid on 5 markets in Dushanbe and adjacent to the city 3 markets, warehouses, where pesticides are sold;- Preparation, publication and dissemination of information brochure “Pesticides: general, storage and use in the Republic of Tajikistan”, D, 2008. Collection is available on the FSCI site.
    – Conduct Roundtable “Toxic free future” on the keeping, using and sailing of pesticides. Workshop results were presented on the pages of the Tajik newspaper “Events”, prepared a separate program on the national radio.
    – The project was included in the collection of the best illustrative case-study training in anticipation of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD -18 ), 2008
  • “Demonstration of response to combat land degradation and improve sustainable land management in southwestern Tajikistan. Mobilizing communities in Central Asia: the introduction of sustainable land management at the community level and capacity building of the local population” (January – December 2006) The Global Environment Facility, United Nations Development Programme in Tajikistan (Shaartuz office) . Pilot zones: Bohtar , Shaartuz , Jilikul , Kumsangir districts of Khatlon region. Project Objectives:
    • Developing the capacity of local communities to participate in the design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review of projects on land degradation.
    • Development of project concepts relevant international framework and meet the needs of local communities. Four pilot projects were developed and implemented in four Jamoat Centers of Southwestern Khatlon: cleaning of canals and drains, planting Kaloxylos pastures, planting of shelterbelts.
    • Preparation of the Register of traditional innovations aimed at sustainable use of natural resources, production of information materials, effective methodologies that promote dissemination of traditional knowledge.
    • Developed, published and distributed two information collection in Tajik and Russian languages: “Mobilization and capacity building pilot communities of Southwest Khatlon to implement sustainable land management” and “Traditional knowledge in land and water “. Information collections posted on the UNDP website: and FSCI site.

  • Project: “ Dushanbe city medical waste and its environmental impact”
    Analysis of existed system of medical waste management of Dushanbe city; intend of dialog among stakeholders; development of recommendations to improve the situation; questionnaire survey; training on Environmental Impact Assessment; awareness raising events on the issue among medical specialists and population. Publish of collected information and distribution among stakeholders. January – February 2007. Central Asian REC, FSCI.. Here
  • Project “ Dushanbe Solid Waste Management Project. Feasibility Study and Project Preparation”, Task 3.
    Analysis of existing situation for Solid waste management (SWM) in Dushanbe city. Collection of existing studies connected to SWM, waste generation, waste collection and transportation, solid waste treatment and landfill, source separation and recycling, other relevant baseline data. Assessment of Environmental Impacts of the current operation of existing facilities and routines in local, collection, transportation and deposit. Develop report concepts for the preparing a baseline study of the project. November 2006 – April 2007. EBRD, Consulting Firm Sweco International, FSCI.. Here
  • Analytical research:
    Ecological Assessment of the Third Road Rehabilitation Project ( ADB TA 3738-TAJ )
    Initial and summary environmental examination for the project in accordance with ADB’s Environmental Policy. Assessment of physical, biological, resources use, community impacts on road rehabilitation. Provide mitigation measures into the project design, recommendations on training requirements, terms of references for environment monitoring and evaluation. October-December 2006. ADB, Consulting Firm Cardno International, FSCI. Here
  • Analytical research:
    Identification of agricultural territories of high natural value (ATNV): support of the countries, which are not entering in the European Union . Research problems: preparation of an independent estimation, development of the concept of ATNV , preparation of recommendations on importance of ATVN on support of a biodiversity , a sustainable agriculture, and management aspects. April-December 2006, Ecological Society “Biotika” ( Moldavia ), FSCI.
  • Project “Community mobilisation and sustainable land management”. September 2005 – February 2007. UNDP, Global Mechanism of International Convention of Combat Disertification, FSCI (participation in the project as a training and analitical research organisation). Results of the first field trips to the pilot regions of the Western of Tajikistan with aims to identify of local population needs and to select of preliminary project ideas on land management Here
  • Project “Participatory Rural Adaptation Pilot in Response to Climate Change in Tajikistan”, August 2005-December 2006. CARE International in Tajikistan, FSCI (involve in the project realization as a educational and training organization).
  • Project-expert task “Promotion of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse in Tajikistan”. August-December 2005. ADB, FSCI.
  • Project-expert task “Rogun Hydroelectricity Station in Tajikistan, Feasibility Study”. May-October 2005. Lahmeyer International, FSCI
  • Project “Globalization, trade and agriculture in the context of sustainable development”, November 2004 – November 2005. International Institute for Sustainable Development, Earth Chapter, Eco-Accord, 8 NIS counties, including Tajikistan.Here
  • The project «Distribution and assistance in realization of ideas of the Earth Charter in the Republic of Tajikistan». Duration of the project: March – December 2005г. The project is carried out according to the signed memorandum of mutual understanding between the International Secretary of the Charter of the Earth and FSCI due to own means.
  • The project “Dushanbe city: the program of ecological management “. The project is directed on development of the program and methods of the integrated ecological management of Dushanbe city – capital of the Republic of Tajikistan. The project of ecological management of Dushanbe is the first duplicated project on creation of the program of actions on preservation of the environment at a local level in РТ (LEAP program). Description of the project and their realization on time and steps are Here Project is having made the certain contribution to creation of the base document on drawing up of the Local Agenda for 21 century (LA-21) Dushanbe city.
    Validity of the project: July – December 2004г. FSCI, Regional Ecological Center of the Central Asia. The first stage of the project began from realization of the wide information company: informing of the public of city through creation a special rubric in the republican newspaper “Business and a policy” Here, on city broadcasting (radio “Vatan”). During action of the project (6 months) creation of eight information headings in the newspaper and by radio that will describe a course of action of the project is supposed. The first session of Coordination Council (CС) of Dushanbe city Here was held on July 15 2004г., the second – on August, 19 2004г. For this period official documents on creation CС signed, the memorandum of mutual understanding between members of CС and the mayoralty of city are created and signed, nominees of experts are authorized, questioning of the members of CС and population of city is carried out. Priority environmental problems of city which will be subjected to the expert analysis, are named: water supply and the water drain, atmospheric air and transport, firm household waste products, gardening, sanitary and hygiene of city. Final rezult of the project – Information Broshure: Dushanbe city: the program of ecological management” Here
  • The project “Conducting of seminars on local ecological management”. The purpose of the project: carrying out of 2- day’s seminars – trainings on training to skill of development and realization of local plans of action on preservation of the environment. Geography of scope by trainings: the cities of Sogdijskaja oblast of the Republic of Tajikistan – Isfara and Taboshar, distinguished by complex ecological conditions. Participants of seminars: local authorities, heads of local urban services on ecological management, water use, water drains, sanitaries, leaders of initiative groups, NGOs, businessmen, deputies, others. Validity of the project – 10 days. FSCI, Academy of development through education (АЕД/USAID, START project). The report of project is Here
  • Social recearch “Identifying of priorities and needs of NGOs Society. Strenghening of role of Dushanbe NGO Support Center in creating of conditions to civic society development”. FSCI, Dushanbe Center of Civic Society Support, November-December, 2003. The project issue: analitical report is Here
  • Project: “WTO accession and sustainable development: Post-Soviet countries assess perspectives. Evaluation of consequences of joining the Republic of Tajikistan to World Trade Organization”. August 2002 – May 2003. FSCI, Eco-Accord (Russia), Earth Council. The project issue: Information Bulletin #7of FSCI: “Globalization, WTO and Tajikistan: dialog for sustainable development expanding”(118pages). FSCI bulletin #7 contains results of independent researches of evaluation of Tajikistan accession to WTO.
  • Project: “Strengthening Local Environment Actions Plan in the Republic of Tajikistan”, April 2003-December 2003. FSCI, Regional Ecology Center of Central Asia (REC CA). Plan of LEAP program realization in the Republic of Tajikistan in 2003 is Here Results of implementation of the projects contain the follows: progress in the implementation of LEAP program in the RT Here self-assesment of the project Here, base of datas of the local experts, pilot territories Here, results of the questionnaries Here
  • Participation in the program “Farmer-to Farmer”, February-March, 2003. FSCI, Association on Dekhan Farmers in the Lenin Region, Mercy Corps. The project issue: in partnership with American volunteer carry out a module of teaching training “Strategic Planning for Dekhan Farmers”.
  • Project: “Organizing and conducting Republican Seminar: West-East Ecology Partnership. Ecology Strategy for Eastern European, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) countries on the first decade of 21 century”, December 2002-January 2003. FSCI, Eco-Accord (Russia), Secretariat of European Eco-Forum, UNDP. The project issue: comment, notes, additional made by tajik experts to the draft of EECCA Ecology Strategy are placed below Here
  • Project: “Organizing and conducting training-seminar: Managing of the projects on involvement NGOs of the Republic of Tajikistan in the process of realization International Convention for Combat Desertification”, October-November 2002. FSCI, German Society on Technical Cooperation (GTZ).
  • Project-expert task: “Evaluation of the NGO projects supported in Tajikistan by Canadian Embassy (Program on Local Initiatives Development). April-June 2002. FSCI, Canadian Embassy.
  • Project: “Organizing and conducting training for social activists and leaders”. FSCI, IREX (Small Grants Programs), May – June 2002.
  • Program “Governance on Sustainable Development in the NIS countries”. In the framework of this program the follow measures were done:
  • – organizing and conducting Republican Conference “Tajikistan on the way to Sustainable Development”, Dushanbe, 2001. FSCI, Ministry of Nature Protection of the RT, Earth Charter. Papers of this conference have published in the  FSCI Information Bulletin #6:2001, 102p.2001, 102p.

  • Information Bulletin #5: “Sustainable Development: basic materials”, 2000, 46p., was published before Republican Conference “Tajikistan on the way to Sustainable Development”.
    – discussion and popularization the text of the new International Convention “Earth Charter”, popularization principles of Earth Charter and Sustainable Development through articles in the government’s newspapers, seminars, round tables, participation in the Earth Chapter web forums
  • Project “Organizing and conducting Republican Conference “Democracy through Mahallinskie Soveties”, FSCI, AED Global Project/USAID, 2000. Papers of this conference were published in the FSCI Information Bulletin #4: 2000, 42p.
  • Preparing the survey “Summary of Earth Chapter Initiatives of Tajikistan”. Earth Chapter Status Report 1999-2000. 2001, 32p.
  • Conducting the Earth Days in Dushanbe on partnership with other ecological NGOs. 19-21 April, 1999-2002
  • Project “NGO Evaluation of National Environmental Action Plan in the NIS countries”. UNDP, 1998-1999. The final result of this project: FSCI survey in the Report on the Sofia+3 Project
  • Project “Organizing and conducting Republican Conference “Social-Economical problems of desertification”, Dushanbe, 1999. The final result of the project – FSCI Information Bulletin: Materials of the Republican Conference “Social-economical problems of desertification” (Russian, English languages), 1999,105p.
  • Project “Evaluation of the level of poverty and selection solutions for poverty decreasing (Nurek Region, Republic of Tajikistan). FSCI, TASIF, 1998
  • Project “Prevention of conflicts in the Baksh and Bohtar rajons, Hatlon Oblast of the Republic of Tajikistan. FSCI, Counterpart Consortium, 1999-2000.
  • Project “Prevention of conflicts in the Tursunzadevskiy rajon of the Republic of Tajikistan”. FSCI, AED Global Project/USAID, 1999
  • Project “Public ecology monitoring of the Djamoat ”Chorbog”, Varzob rajon, Republic of Tajikistan”. FSCI, Djamoat Chorbog, ISAR, 1998-1999.
  • Project “Organizing and conducting Republican Conference “Government and NGOs: bridges of collaboration”. FSCI, AED, Global Project/USAID, 1998
  • Project “Creating of the Ecological Map of the Dushanbe city”. FSCI, ISAR, 1997
  • Project “Information-Consulting support for NGOs of the Republic of Tajikistan”. FSCI, Counterpart Consortium, 1997-1998
  • Project “Information-Consulting Center for public organizations of the Republic of Tajikistan”. FSCI, American Juridical Consortium, 1996-1997
  • Project “Creation of the Information-Consulting Center for NGOs of the Republic of Tajikistan- UmedaCenter”. FSCI, Social-Ecology Union of RT, Eurasia Foundation, 1995-1996