Republican Conference “Strengthening the environmental policy to reduce mercury pollution and protection human health in Tajikistan”

Republican Conference “Strengthening the environmental policy to reduce mercury pollution and protection human health in Tajikistan”, organized by the FSCI, held on June 18, 2013 in Dushanbe. The purpose of the conference – bringing to the problem of mercury waste disposal in the country all stakeholders: government agencies, parliament, agencies, industry and the private sector, academic and public organizations, the creation of partnerships. The result of the conference was to develop recommendations, the development of policies aimed at reducing the use of mercury-containing materials, assistance in the preparation of position on the accession of Tajikistan to the new Global Agreement on mercury. By participants in the conference has been developed the final resolution, directed to the public authorities, the parliament, Academy of Sciences, international and environmental organizations.

One important outcome of the conference was to raise awareness about the problem of mercury pollution in the country – the outcome of the project and the conference were shown at the first public channel “Shabakai Yakum” – evening news program on June 28 2013, the articles in the republican newspapers: “Evening Dushanbe” (29.01. 2013), and Daydzhess-press (20.06.2013).

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