International Conference “Combining efforts to assess the environmental impact assessment (EIA) for Central Asia and Azerbaijan – the transition to joint participation” (Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 4-6 July 2013)

The conference was organized by the Tajik branch of CAREC and the Environmental Committee of the Parliament of the Republic of Tajikistan with the support of the Swiss Government, the University of Bern and the Secretariat of the Espoo. Regional conference was a continuation of the project “Capacity building of the EIA in Central Asia and Azerbaijan,” which is performed in the 2007-2013 period. with the financial support of the Government of Switzerland. Delegates from the countries of Central Asia and Azerbaijan made presentations on the processes of implementing the principles of the Espoo Convention, improvements in procedures/ processes of the EIA / Environmental Assessment in Central Asia and Azerbaijan, effective approaches and best practices used in their respective countries. Representatives of FSCI participated in the conference, making a presentation on the EIA of medical services (rural health centers) in Tajikistan.

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