The new status of governmental environmental bodies in the Republic of Tajikistan

The end of 2006, which has brought results of presidential election in the Republic of Tajikistan, was marked by reorganization of public administration. The amalgamation of some ministries, abolition of functions of others, and reduction of powers of thirds took place. As a result, the reduction in number of ministries and departments happened, but not always followed by positive changes. For example, occurred amalgamation of two organizations (Ministry of agriculture and State Committee for Environment Protection and Forestry) into new state body – Ministry of Agriculture and Nature Protection, was treated as a negative decision. It has caused perplexity and protest of Tajik ecological NGOs, which are expressed own opinion on the press (newspaper “Vecherniy Dushanbe” (“Tonight’s Dushanbe”), № 51, 21 December, 2006). The text of the article signed by few of Tajik ecological NGOs is presented below.

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