Conduct information seminars with medical hospitals in Dushanbe and Vahdat city to reduce the risk of mercury contamination

In accordance with the project “Enhancing the environmental policy of Tajikistan in the field in order to reduce mercury pollution and the protection of human health”, implemented with the support of the GEF Small Grants Programme/UNDP, GRID/Arendal, IPEN, public environmental organization “Foundation to Support Civil Initiatives” (FSCI, Dastgir Center) organized a thematic information sessions with three medical institutions in Dushanbe and one hospital in the city of Vahdat. The goal of workshops – to inform hospital staff about the risks and proper management of mercury pollution, the purchase and the transfer of each of 4 hospitals the alternative mercury-free devices: digital thermometers, sphygmomanometers, demercurization solutions, containers for mercury waste, energy saving lamps.

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