Supporting the implementation of SAICM and GHS policies in Tajikistan
In Tajikistan, with the financial support of the international organization UNEP/UNITAR started the project “Support to the Implementation of SAICM and GHS policies in Tajikistan”. The executors of the project are the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan in partnership with the public ecological organization of RT “Foundation to Support Civil Initiatives” (Dastgiri Center). The main objective of the project – building capacity, creating opportunities for the implementation in the country the global agreement on SAICM (Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management) an analysis of the state of the danger of chemical contaminants and GHS (System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals) at the national level. The project aims at strengthening the capacity of country to implement international agreements on chemicals management , such as the Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm Convention and the Montreal Protocol with an increased focus on the implementation of the actions on the classification and labeling of chemicals, which is a fundamental issue of proper management of chemical pollutants.

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